Sunday, May 22, 2011

From Surrender to Inspiration

May 22, 2011

I had to look at the calendar to see what day it is. What an exciting and crazy last few days! I ended the week with what I thought was "crash and burn". I was really angry with the direction my quest for prosperity was going. Road block after road block. Client meetings were canceling as if they were all calling each other to say, "Don't go see Heather today". Per the laws of attraction, if it's happening to me, I attracted it to happen. So, I was asking myself, what the heck?

I was shouting at the sky and letting the universe know very sternly my opinions regarding what was NOT happening for me. It sounded a little like this: WHAT THE HECK! I AM DOING EVERYTHING RIGHT! I AM TALKING TO YOU! I AM LISTENING TO YOU! I BELIEVE BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT THAT YOU WILL HELP ME! I DESERVE AND WANT IT NOW! NOW! NOW! NOW! NOW!

Well, guess what I was told? Surrender! Stop struggling to make everything happen yourself. Detach from the outcome and you will be shown the way! Holy Smokes! Literally. Every cell in my body changed from tension to peace. I said, 'OK"!

Since that moment, I have had floods of divinely inspired ideas. I have received invitations from other friends in the industry to check out what their firm had to offer. I've been given glimpses of what it would look like if I had my own financial practice. I was also given dozens of ideas for creating income in other areas. With these ideas came a tidal wave of peace, joy and divine inspiration. It was easy to let go of the outcome knowing that divine ideas and avenues are limitless. There is no need to be short sighted. Just surrender!


A message to surrender
opportunities to look at other firms
Friends and introductions that show up at the right place/time
divinely guided ideas


I am so happy and grateful for hearing the message with complete clarity
I am so happy and grateful for divine timing
I am so happy and grateful for income tax class
I am so happy and grateful for those who have gone before me and are blazing trails
I am so happy and grateful for this beautiful Sunday afternoon

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

A Day For Planting

May 18, 2011

I was discussing the events and results of my day with John, my boyfriend. I started my day as I normally do with the rituals of meditation, focus, and listening to inspiring music. Nonetheless, I was having a very difficult time keeping my positive vibrations high and creative emotions in receiving mode.

How can I report a down day? What can I say? John reminded me that when conducting an experiment it is prudent to report both the good and bad results. He also suggested that maybe today was "A Day For Planting".

The biggest hurdle was maintaining the positive emotions consistently. There were no definitive triggers that pulled the "feel good" plug, so I was confused on how to get beyond this barrier. From an emotional stand point my day fluctuated between very positive and "get out of my office". (Although I didn't really say that to anybody)

There were some very good things that occurred today in spite of the swinging pendulum I was on. It was far from a bust. Just not where I was intending it to be. I did have a client call me for a trade out of the blue. I also gained a new client and two new friends. That's pretty cool.

At the end of my day, I received a call from a very dear friend. When he mentioned he read my blog, I asked him if he was calling to make fun of me. On the contrary, He was calling to tell me that after he read my blog that he felt a positive energy in my words. His call made my day and gave me the affirmation that today was in fact a learning day, or a day for planting. Tomorrow I will be sowing!

My Results:

$120 in revenue (Only $37,080 to go)
Gained a new client
Met two wonderful ladies (One online, and one from the bank)
received an affirmative call from a wonderful friend
received a compliment from a trainer that my exercise is starting to pay off
had a ten minute coaching session from my boss/mentor for some additional business ideas

I am so happy and grateful that the little things add up to big things
I am so happy and grateful that my exercise is paying off
I am so happy and grateful for random calls from friends
I am so happy and grateful for my boss (I am VERY lucky!)
I am so happy and grateful for a day of planting

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Laser Beam Focus

May 16, 2011

Today I focused on focus. Watching one of Natalie Ledwell's "Mind Movie" coaching videos, she was explaining the importance of laser beam focus. Define your goal specifically and know like you know, like you know that it is yours already.

Referring back to one of my original manifesting goals, I plan to put the most focus on creating the $40,000 in monthly revenue from my current job. Who doesn't want more money right? My logical reason behind starting there is deeper than the obvious gain in prosperity.

I have noticed from the patterns in my life, for me, success breeds success. I also believe that in increasing my income it will naturally bring along the other goals I've stating. I will be able to increase my giving, pay for a zen garden, have the peace that inherently will make me a better friend. (Hopefully I'm doing a decent job already.)

Before work I went through my few moments of meditation, focusing on how it feels to have the $40,000 in revenue. I played very upbeat, positive music while getting ready for work and kept my attitude focused completely on gratitude. I managed to maintain that attitude throughout the day and shared my joy with my bankers! I shared with them the idea that I learned yesterday.

My results:

Five client appointments today. ( I have been averaging 5 per week)
$2,800 in revenue generated. (and only $37,200 to go)
Two new clients, and three new client appointments set.
two happy clients, two happy bankers, and one happy adviser. (that's a lot of happy)
One satisfying beautiful day!

My gratitude:
I am so happy and grateful for my supportive bankers.
I am so happy and grateful for busy days.
I am so happy and grateful for skype to stay in touch with my friends and family to
share good news.
I am so happy and grateful for walks on the beach during sunset.
I am so happy and grateful for the peace I recieve from a satisfying day.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Breaking what's blocking

I consider myself to be intelligent, well educated, a bit narcissistic and quite frankly rather funny. In spite of all of these amazing qualities, inevitably there has been some sort of barrier that has kept me in a holding pattern of mediocrity and lack.

For the past six years I have been committed to daily meditations and affirmations. I have created a vision board, and declared these things already mine. The key ingredients that my visions were missing are the beliefs and emotions that go hand in hand with creating.

I recently discovered EFT, or tapping, from several of the authors and coaches I have been following. [Joe Vitale, Natalie Ledwell, Jessica Ortner] It is a series of tapping on pressure points and meridians on the body, while speaking truths about what may be holding me back from success. I gave it a go this morning, even before my coffee! The experts have said this is a great way to break down the limiting beliefs.

My results for today:

No road rage to or from the office.
I met with an expert and mentor in my field for some coaching.
I came away from the meeting with several inspiring ideas that I cannot wait to share with my own clients.
I received $10,850 in financial gifts.
I have broken down a barrier in a work relationship that had been strained.
I am feeling fantastic! (No headaches, no anxiety, no worries about tomorrow)


I am so happy and grateful for the EFT technique.
I am so happy and grateful for the $10,850 and the angels who gave it.
I am so happy and grateful for my mentor coaching session and inspired ideas.
I am so happy and grateful for feeling awesome!
I am so happy and grateful for improved work relationships.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Let's Start Attracting!

For several years I have read many books, attended many seminars, listened to audio and watched video on the topics of manifesting and laws of attraction for prosperity in my life. It is my intention to utilize the learned concepts to create my personal wealth through words, emotions, actions and deeds.

I have compiled the rules of engagement from sources such as "The Secret", "Think and Grow Rich", "Attract Money Now", "Excuses Be Gone", "Mind Movies", "Your Best Life Now", and many more. This blog will be a part of my living vision and diary of progress. I am apprehensive to share, but I also feel it's important to be held accountable for my personal growth process. I want to be accountable for incredible gratitude, good health, more wealth, better relationships and increased generosity. AND I want to do it with as little physical and mental effort as possible.

May 15, 2011
My manifesting specifics:
I have $10,000 coming to my mailbox from an unexpected source in five days.
I create $40,000 a month in revenue from my current job easily and freely.
I have four other revenue streams apart from my current job derived from inspired ideas.
I drive a Cadillac Escalade.
I have a beautiful Zen Garden at home that attracts beautiful bird and butterflies.
I am fit and beautiful and weigh my perfect weight.
I am generous with my friends, family and favorite charities.

It all starts with gratitude:

Today I am grateful for the idea for this Blog.
I am grateful for this beautiful, sunny and mild Florida day.
I am grateful for this beautiful apartment on the water.
I am grateful for this time.
I am grateful for my divine source from Whom all blessings flow.