Wednesday, May 18, 2011

A Day For Planting

May 18, 2011

I was discussing the events and results of my day with John, my boyfriend. I started my day as I normally do with the rituals of meditation, focus, and listening to inspiring music. Nonetheless, I was having a very difficult time keeping my positive vibrations high and creative emotions in receiving mode.

How can I report a down day? What can I say? John reminded me that when conducting an experiment it is prudent to report both the good and bad results. He also suggested that maybe today was "A Day For Planting".

The biggest hurdle was maintaining the positive emotions consistently. There were no definitive triggers that pulled the "feel good" plug, so I was confused on how to get beyond this barrier. From an emotional stand point my day fluctuated between very positive and "get out of my office". (Although I didn't really say that to anybody)

There were some very good things that occurred today in spite of the swinging pendulum I was on. It was far from a bust. Just not where I was intending it to be. I did have a client call me for a trade out of the blue. I also gained a new client and two new friends. That's pretty cool.

At the end of my day, I received a call from a very dear friend. When he mentioned he read my blog, I asked him if he was calling to make fun of me. On the contrary, He was calling to tell me that after he read my blog that he felt a positive energy in my words. His call made my day and gave me the affirmation that today was in fact a learning day, or a day for planting. Tomorrow I will be sowing!

My Results:

$120 in revenue (Only $37,080 to go)
Gained a new client
Met two wonderful ladies (One online, and one from the bank)
received an affirmative call from a wonderful friend
received a compliment from a trainer that my exercise is starting to pay off
had a ten minute coaching session from my boss/mentor for some additional business ideas

I am so happy and grateful that the little things add up to big things
I am so happy and grateful that my exercise is paying off
I am so happy and grateful for random calls from friends
I am so happy and grateful for my boss (I am VERY lucky!)
I am so happy and grateful for a day of planting


  1. I so know how you feel girl, my husband and I have similar conversations, and I also have planting days. The good thing is, even with those days, there are lessons to be learned and shared like today's. The universe DOES provide! Great post!!! :-) Colleen

  2. Thank-you so much Colleen. I appreciate your comment. Thank you for being my friend! ~H~
