Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Laser Beam Focus

May 16, 2011

Today I focused on focus. Watching one of Natalie Ledwell's "Mind Movie" coaching videos, she was explaining the importance of laser beam focus. Define your goal specifically and know like you know, like you know that it is yours already.

Referring back to one of my original manifesting goals, I plan to put the most focus on creating the $40,000 in monthly revenue from my current job. Who doesn't want more money right? My logical reason behind starting there is deeper than the obvious gain in prosperity.

I have noticed from the patterns in my life, for me, success breeds success. I also believe that in increasing my income it will naturally bring along the other goals I've stating. I will be able to increase my giving, pay for a zen garden, have the peace that inherently will make me a better friend. (Hopefully I'm doing a decent job already.)

Before work I went through my few moments of meditation, focusing on how it feels to have the $40,000 in revenue. I played very upbeat, positive music while getting ready for work and kept my attitude focused completely on gratitude. I managed to maintain that attitude throughout the day and shared my joy with my bankers! I shared with them the idea that I learned yesterday.

My results:

Five client appointments today. ( I have been averaging 5 per week)
$2,800 in revenue generated. (and only $37,200 to go)
Two new clients, and three new client appointments set.
two happy clients, two happy bankers, and one happy adviser. (that's a lot of happy)
One satisfying beautiful day!

My gratitude:
I am so happy and grateful for my supportive bankers.
I am so happy and grateful for busy days.
I am so happy and grateful for skype to stay in touch with my friends and family to
share good news.
I am so happy and grateful for walks on the beach during sunset.
I am so happy and grateful for the peace I recieve from a satisfying day.

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