Sunday, May 15, 2011

Let's Start Attracting!

For several years I have read many books, attended many seminars, listened to audio and watched video on the topics of manifesting and laws of attraction for prosperity in my life. It is my intention to utilize the learned concepts to create my personal wealth through words, emotions, actions and deeds.

I have compiled the rules of engagement from sources such as "The Secret", "Think and Grow Rich", "Attract Money Now", "Excuses Be Gone", "Mind Movies", "Your Best Life Now", and many more. This blog will be a part of my living vision and diary of progress. I am apprehensive to share, but I also feel it's important to be held accountable for my personal growth process. I want to be accountable for incredible gratitude, good health, more wealth, better relationships and increased generosity. AND I want to do it with as little physical and mental effort as possible.

May 15, 2011
My manifesting specifics:
I have $10,000 coming to my mailbox from an unexpected source in five days.
I create $40,000 a month in revenue from my current job easily and freely.
I have four other revenue streams apart from my current job derived from inspired ideas.
I drive a Cadillac Escalade.
I have a beautiful Zen Garden at home that attracts beautiful bird and butterflies.
I am fit and beautiful and weigh my perfect weight.
I am generous with my friends, family and favorite charities.

It all starts with gratitude:

Today I am grateful for the idea for this Blog.
I am grateful for this beautiful, sunny and mild Florida day.
I am grateful for this beautiful apartment on the water.
I am grateful for this time.
I am grateful for my divine source from Whom all blessings flow.

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